we are less private

We are less private

As Boyd elaborated on in the article 'Facebook's privacy trainwreck’ there are costs to pay with becoming socially converged. Social convergence occurs when different social contexts are collapsed into one. Our friends, family, social groups, are all within a similar space, such as face book for instance. Our control is lost with social convergence due to the inability to control what is private information that we want all to see versus our close friends and family.

New Technologies are constantly being used to bring people closer together. We are not as private as we use to be. For example mobile phones have shifted from talking within a home setting to talking anywhere, anytime and place. We are becoming less reliant on paper forms, and are completing and submitting important forms online, not to mention managing our personal finances online also.
Although our privacy and security is somewhat guaranteed with us placing our lives “online”, it seems that we are adopting and taking the risks of our personal information online.