Prosumer and copyright online

According to Grinnell suggest passive consumers has became active as the application of Web 2.0 on the internet, where the model of Prosumer influence on the development of information technology. People are free to use the sources such as images and videos and music on the internet, but still there is no such law to protect the copyrights of the origin workers.
Web2.0 provides platform of market place that cans facility to doing things, enable people to use it, such as personal blog links to other blog and variable all the time. Flickr is other example of processing photograph,which can store and category images and allows people present in a community online. Wikipedia allows people to edit and make equal contribution of information. Public remix and recreate media on YouTube. Those indicate users as creators in participatory media. This is remixing, focus on using others work with different experience to challenge the traditional media and to define a new media.
Prosumer either is the consumer or producers. They are strongly engage with the activity and participate actively. They can easily access others creation and remake a new product. Actually, it is unfair to the original worker which has already made a tortious behavior and no body recognized it. Some anonymous make collective works of online which some song or novel has been used in the original work. Those anonymous work it not to gain financial benefits for the purpose, but they have already used the copyright of the original worker without notice. In fact, there is no such restriction that people use online sources. It also claims that the boundary between legal and guilt behavior is not clear enough, resulting to use the sources for free nowadays.
Today, internet becomes a necessary good in our daily life. And also the internet will become a tendency which digital our daily activities. We don’t have the power to control the internet,but we do have the ability to control ourselves.