One Laptop Per Child means exactly what it says. I have to admit though it’s not a bad idea in fact it’s a fantastic idea...if you’re living in a developed country such as NZ. I can’t fathom the logic behind giving kids from third world countries laptops, especially if they’re struggling to focus from the rumbling of their hungry stomachs.

Samoa is considered a third world country, how about the recent tsunami that wiped out hundreds and left thousands homeless? Would the kids that are hungry, in need clothes and medical attention benefit from receiving a laptop? Definitely not! So I have to agree with Bill (Mr Gates) and his concerns with this whole scheme, how could you substitute a laptop for food? Get real Mr Negroponte!

This is clearly an example of the limitations of technological determinism, the idea that the technology is the primary force that controls how individuals and society change. Ok so I get what Negroponte is trying to do, by teaching children how to learn and that in order for developed countries can only develop if its citizens are educated, so it would fit right because they would be conforming to the modernity of the technologically that is given to them...but none of this can be achieved if children are malnourished.

Malnourised children will eventually die, if they die then it isn’t actually One Laptop Per Child because the most important component is absent, the child. My thoughts...give them a laptop AND food not only to survive, but have the strength to actually operate it, I know how hungry I get when I’m sitting at my laptop for a while...hmmm I’m going to make a sandwich right now.