Illegal Downloading

Let's cast our minds back to the not so digital age...and consider illegal downloading. As children we recorded everything and anything via VRC and good old cassette tape. I do not consider recording this way to be illegal, so then if the opportunity to download online is there, why is it illegal? It is only recently that illegal downloading seems to be an issue, surrounding how this negatively affects media industry creators such as artists and their labels.

But who really looses when we download? Chris Crocker a frequent YouTube video blogger appears to strongly believe that it is the artists who loose when we illegally download.


This explicit video shows a distraught and offended artist who believes it is a crime to download music. And despite being overdramatic I think Crocker does have a valid point as it is the artist who looses when we illegally download. Although we give them popular recognition by illegally downloading their music they receive no money for it.