Electronic music blogs and me...
Sunday, August 2, 2009 by riisujon
H'm so of late i have been faced with the the problematic dilemma of music file sharing.
As a registered user of Beatport, (an industry leading United States electronic music site), I downloaded 320kps quality mp3 tracks. Recently though I discovered per chance the crazy and somewhat uncontrolled world of music file sharing on the web.
To my amazement, it was incredibly simple to find tracks off electronic music blogs to listen to, and obtain free downloads. Whats more most tracks where uploaded in 320kps quality, the same format as what Beatport provided. Off late though i have started to question the whole nature of music file sharing.
For a start what was balanced passion of mine (listening to and collecting electronic music), had now become a necessity. Music blogs helped facilitate extreme levels off music awareness, but
the Sheer volume off uploaded music available on the web to download, meant the time spent listening to and obtaining music was becoming problematic
Generally I believe the blogs should exist for the direct purpose to assist in the exposure and development of artists and their record labels. Downloads if applicable should only be provided with the artists and labels consent, and not in the high quality 320kps format that mp3 downloading sites like Beatport already provide.
The artists and the music i love, is the very thing that is being outwardly effected by these forms of web music file sharing. As most of my favourite electronic music labels and artists are independent in nature, obtaining music in this way is constraining the very means by which they can continue to produce, market and distribute their music to passionate listeners like myself.
So I now continue with Beatport, safe in the knowledge that i am contributing to the future well being and prosperity of the electronica music scene in my own personal way.here is a example in the new nature of piracy against beatport, hence the name, http://beatpirates.com/