Use of New Media Technologies

What are and should be the social boundaries and norms for the use of new media technologies within public spaces such as the cinema.

In particular i wish to address the etiquette of phone use, and specifically texting behaviour of people in social contexts. Is it appropriate for someone to use a portable device (In this case a black berry, with a large, bright screen), to communicate by texting during a movie...

Being distracted numerous times through out the films screening is not only rude in a social context, it is somewhat indicative of the reliance and addiction people have to new media communication devices, the functioning of these devices, and their accepted widespread use within the cultral structures of society today.

It seems modern existence and the dynamics of modern society is now so intense, that media technologies have to be embraced and used in entertainment medians like movies, the very environments that function as a forum and means to escape the pressures and control mechanisms of modern life, that these same technologies facilitate.

The mere existence of leisure time, seems to be now a forgotten principle and ideal for a great many people. The cinema and movies though i believe can and should still function as constructive personal leisure time, and as such they are no place for the use of new media technologies...